People with Kidney Stones Still Need Calcium-containing Foods.

Nutrition plays a very important role for patients with kidney stones. A proper diet will slow down the formation of stones, improving the condition of the disease.

The best diet to avoid kidney stones depends on the type of stone that the person has because each type of stone has different risk factors. There are 4 main types of kidney stones, but the most common are calcium oxalate stones.

Nutritional principles for people with kidney stones

Patients with kidney stones often have an unbalanced diet, drink less water ... Therefore, improving the diet helps to slow down the formation of stones.

Pay attention to nutritional balance, do not let the patient weaken the body because this will lead to a decrease in resistance, making the condition worse.

Limiting foods high in protein, people with kidney stones should only receive about 200g of protein per day.

Reducing the amount of salt in the diet, higher salt levels in the urine promote the formation of stones. The amount of salt required for the patient is about 3g of salt per day.

Drink plenty of water every day.

Food supplements rich in calcium and vitamins.

People with kidney stones, especially calcium oxalate stones, often assume that their diet should be limited, even completely without milk and foods high in calcium. This is a complete misconception in the treatment of kidney stones...

Because, if completely abstained from calcium will cause imbalance in the body, causing the risk of osteoporosis, at the same time causing the body to absorb more oxalate, increasing the ability to create kidney stones. Therefore, people with kidney stones should still bring foods that supplement the necessary amount of calcium, present in cheese, nuts, yogurt, eggs, shellfish ...

Try to meet the body's calcium needs through food. Supplement only when absolutely necessary and as prescribed by a doctor.

Fortified foods rich in vitamins

Vitamins A, D, B6... These are vitamins that are good for the health of people with kidney stones. Vitamin A helps boost immunity and supports the regulation of the urine excretion system. When the body is getting enough vitamin A will reduce the deposition of minerals present in the urine, limiting the formation of kidney stones.

Foods rich in vitamin A such as carrots, pumpkins, bell peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli ...

Vitamin D helps the body absorb and metabolize calcium better. Foods containing a lot of vitamin D are egg yolks, milk, sea fish ...

Vitamin B6 helps reduce the ability to form oxalate, which causes the formation of stones. However, this is a vitamin that the body does not produce on its own but needs to be supplemented with foods or supplements.

Foods with abundant sources of vitamin B6 are nuts, whole grains, legumes (red beans, peanuts, soybeans), broccoli, carrots and fish...

Foods high in fiber

Fiber is beneficial for the digestive system, especially the excretion system. Therefore, supplementing with adequate amounts of fiber will help the body limit the growth of stones. People with kidney stones should eat some foods high in fiber such as celery vegetables, cabbage, broccoli, sweet potatoes...

Fruits that are good for people with kidney stones

Many studies have proven citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit ... Containing a lot of vitamin C can reduce the likelihood of oxalate formation, while also reducing the amount of cholesterol converted into acids present in bile (the main ingredient that causes stones).

People with kidney stones should use some of the following juices:

Lemon juice: Containing citrate will help dissolve kidney stones

Grape juice: Ingredients contain antioxidants, which help eliminate toxins

Ginger tea: Is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agent very well

Basil tea: Contains acetic acid that supports the destruction of kidney stones

Pomegranate tea: Helps reduce the acid content in the urine, supports detoxification

People with kidney stones should drink plenty of water every day.

Drinking more water will stimulate the person to urinate more, limiting the ability to form and relapse stones. People with kidney stones should drink about 3 liters of water per day. The amount of water provided to the body is not only filtered water but also juice, or broth, soup water during meals. If the urine is light yellow, it is a sign that the person is drinking the necessary amount of water.

Many people are very lazy to drink water, which is also the cause of kidney stones; Or a high-protein diet that comes from red meats. Or the habit of having tea, coffee ... It is also the cause of urinary kidney stones.

What should people with kidney stones eat?

Protein: When eaten and the body absorbs too much protein, it increases the amount of acid, calcium and phosphorus present in the urine. Therefore, people with kidney stones need to limit protein-rich foods and adhere to about 200g of protein per day.

High levels of potassium in the blood will put a lot of pressure on the kidneys and can lead to the formation of stones and prevent the elimination of stones from the body. People with kidney stones should limit foods high in potassium such as potatoes, bananas, avocados ...

Oxalate-rich foods: Oxalate is often absorbed through the diet, most commonly in greens and legumes.

Foods rich in oxalates people with kidney stones should be noted as spinach, bitter melon, spinach, kiwi, grapes, blueberries, nuts ...

Salt: People with gravel can only eat a maximum of 3g of salt per day and should eat as lightly as possible. Limit processed foods, fast food, canned foods because these foods contain a lot of salt.

Sugar and sweet foods.

- Greasy food.

- Limit carbonated drinks, soft drinks,..

- Absolute abstinence from stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee ... - Better Kidneys Possible

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